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导演:James Kirkwood
简介:A young wild girl Fanchon ( Mary Pickford ) lives in a forest with her eccentric grandmother who is suspected by the villagers of being a witch. The unkempt Fanchon suffers from her grandmother's sorceress reputation. One day the girl rescues a boy from drowning and they fall in love, but Fanchon won't agree to marry him unless his father asks her. A year later the boy has fall...
主演:Richard Lund Rasmus Rasmussen Greta Almroth John Ekman Nils Elffors Jenny Tschernichin-Larsson
简介: Two smugglers meet two customs officers at sea, and happen to kill them. The story continues fifteen years later when a son of one of the officers and a smuggler's daughter fall in love with each other.
主演:丽莲·吉许 梅·马什 亨利·B·沃斯奥
简介: 美国南北战争时期,南方庄园主卡梅伦一家原本过着安逸的生活。卡梅隆和斯通曼家的孩子同在一所寄宿学校念书,接触中,年轻的本杰明·卡梅隆(亨利·B·沃斯奥 Henry B. Walthall饰)和埃尔西·斯通曼(丽莲·吉许 Lillian Gish饰)互生情愫。然而不久南北战争爆发。本杰明参加了南方军队,奔赴前线,与北方的昔日好友斯通曼(拉尔夫·李维斯 Ralph Lewis饰)成了敌手。战后,黑人烧杀抢掠。本杰明组织三K党,对黑人进行报复,粉碎了建立所谓的“黑人王国”的阴谋。本杰明与埃尔西这对患难情侣也终于走到了一起。他们的结合,预示着一个新的国家的诞生和统一。 这部由美国电影巨匠D·W·格里菲斯编导的长达三个多小时的鸿篇巨制《一个国家的诞生》,是世界电影史上最重要的里程碑式电影,也是默片时代的经典之作。本片因为对白人优越主义的提倡,以及对三K党的美化而颇具争议性。
主演:Theda Bara Runa Hodges Edward José
导演:Frank Powell
简介: 约翰?舒勒(Edward José 饰)是华尔街一名年轻干练、事业有成的律师,某日他要作为特别代理人前往英国一段时间,因此不得不离开心爱的妻子(Mabel Frenyear 饰)和女儿(Runa Hodges 饰)。漫漫的旅途百无聊赖,约翰在船上邂逅了一个美丽妖艳的女人(Theda Bara蒂达?巴拉 饰),他迅速与之坠入情网,将妻子女儿抛在了脑后…… 本片为弗兰克?鲍威尔根据吉卜林的长诗《勾魂妖妇》改编,拍摄之处,蒂达?巴拉名为奥多西亚?古德曼,她的妖艳表演使其迅速成为性感明星。为突出其神秘感,制片厂将“阿拉伯死神”(ARAB DEATH)的拼写颠倒排列成她的新名字蒂达?巴拉(Theda Bara)。约翰·斯凯勒(爱德华·何塞饰)是一位富有的华尔街律师和外交官,也是一位丈夫和一个忠诚的家庭男人。他被派往英国执行外交任务,没有妻子和女儿。在船上,他遇到了“吸血鬼女人”(Theda Bara 饰)——一个通灵的吸血鬼,被描述为“吸血鬼物种的女人”——她用自己的魅力引诱男人,却在毁掉他们的生活后离开。斯凯勒是她的另一位受害者,完全受她控制。在屈服于她意志的过程中,他抛弃了家庭,失去了工作和社会地位,成为了一个酗酒的酒鬼。他的家人试图让他回来的所有努力都失败了,这个不幸的“傻瓜”的身体和精神陷入了更深的堕落。[6]一名已婚外交官无可救药地陷入了掠夺性女人的迷惑之中。约翰·斯凯勒是一位婚姻美满的华尔街律师,被任命为驻英国特别外交代表。由于一场不幸的事故,他的妻子和孩子无法同行;但和他一起在船上的是“吸血鬼”,一个“臭名昭著的女人”,她靠着一系列被她引诱和毁掉的男人为生。受到斯凯勒夫人的轻视,她把目光投向了丈夫。两个月后,我们发现弄臣和情妇一起苦苦挣扎,情妇让他陷入了劳苦之中。他会跟随其他人一起走向堕落的深渊吗?“愚者”和“他的妻子”婚姻幸福,在拉奇蒙特的一栋乡间别墅里过着与他的巨额财富相称的生活。戏剧开头的“愚者”是一个有男子气概、性情善良的男人,热爱他的家、他的妻子和小孩,并热衷于健康的运动。然后是与“吸血鬼”的会面,“吸血鬼”注定最终会毁掉他,并将他推向有辱人格的死亡。“愚者”起初抵制了蜿蜒曲折、奇异迷人的吸血鬼的诡计。但她隐藏了自己的时间,因为她知道,在一段经历中,以糟糕的职业生涯为里程碑,在适当的时候,她将能够让受害者屈服于她的意志。“愚者”是执行重要外国使命的使者。在穿越“吸血鬼”的轮船上,在一些构思惊人的场景中,设法加强对他本已摇摆不定的本性的控制。当到达意大利时,“男人”已经完全臣服于她的脚下,并准备好听从她的一切命令。在她的怀抱中,他忘记了自己的外交职责、妻子和自己的事业。“吸血鬼”在他身上编织了一个咒语,只有死亡才能打破。甚至他的孩子也不再对他产生任何良好的影响。他用咒骂和暴力击退了所有让他清醒的尝试。当“吸血鬼”看到自己的工作取得进展时,她耸耸肩并微笑着。酗酒和吸毒进一步削弱了他的意志,直到在“吸血鬼”的要求下,他彻底离开了妻子和孩子。这是“泳池”悲剧结局的开始。她只看到男人可怜的外表中恳求她释放他的可笑之处。“吻我,我的傻瓜,”她命令道,但当他努力到达她身边时,他崩溃了。他的悲剧结束了。“吸血鬼”带着神秘的微笑低头看着她脚下蜷缩的身影。她从胸花上撕下一些深红色的玫瑰,将花瓣像深红色的血滴一样撒在她那可怜的、破碎的受害者的身上。富有的外交官约翰·斯凯勒是一位忠诚的丈夫和父亲,在远离家人的时候,他被一个臭名昭著的蛇蝎美人迷住了。在由此引发的丑闻导致他被解雇后,他带着勾引的女人回到家中,抛弃了他的妻子和女儿。他完全被这个“吸血鬼”迷住了,随着妻子和朋友的康复治疗失败,他的生活每况愈下。在她的第一部电影中(这部电影建立了威廉·福克斯的好莱坞帝国,并推出了她的发现者、导演弗兰克·鲍威尔),芭拉将性吸血鬼扮演得淋漓尽致。这部电影就是世界“鞋面”的源头。
主演:凡妮·沃德 早川雪洲 Jack Dean James Neill 阿部丰 Dana Ong Hazel Childers Arthur H. Williams
简介:Edith Hardy uses charity funds for Wall Street investments in hopes of buying some new gowns. She loses all the money and borrows from wealthy oriental Tori. When her husband gives her the amount she borrowed, Tori won't take it back, branding her shoulder with a Japanese sign of his ownership. She shoots him. Her husband takes the blame. In court Edith reveals all to an angry mob. Written by Ed Stephan {[email protected]} Richard Hardy, a hardworking stockbroker, labors overtime to keep up with the ruinous bills incurred by his beautiful but irresponsible wife Edith, a venal, spoiled socialite who is impervious to his pleas for fiscal restraint. Acting on what she believes to be an insider information, she impulsively embezzles $10,000 from the Red Cross charity she chairs for a stock tip. When she finds the money has been lost, she desperately turns to a Japanese ivory trader with whom she has been thoughtlessly flirting and persuades him to replace the money in exchange for an assignation. When her husband's long-awaited business deal finally materializes, she desperately tries to withdraw from their agreement by replacing the money. Angered and disappointed with her resistance to his advances, he uses a branding device to mark her shoulder as his property. Feeling violated, Edith shoots him in the shoulder and leaves. In order to protect his wife's reputation, Richard confesses to the crime and faces trial for attempted murder. Written by Gabe Taverney ([email protected])
主演:查理·卓别林 艾德娜·珀薇安丝 埃内斯特·凡·佩尔特 李奥·怀特 劳埃德·培根
简介:Edna's father wants her to marry wealthy Count He-Ha. Charlie, Edna's true love, impersonates the Count at dinner, but the real Count shows up and Charlie is thrown out. Later on Charlie and Edna are chased by her father, The Count, and three policeman. The pursuers drive off a pier.
主演:查理·卓别林 艾德娜·珀薇安丝 韦斯利·鲁格尔斯 Bud Jamison Billy Armstrong
简介:A shipowner intends to scuttle his ship on its last voyage to get the insurance money. Charlie, a tramp in love with the owner's daughter, is grabbed by the captain and promises to help him shanghai some seamen. The daughter stows away to follow Charlie. Charlie assists in the galley and attempts to serve food during a gale.
主演:Theda Bara Runa Hodges Edward José
导演:Frank Powell
简介: 约翰•舒勒(Edward José 饰)是华尔街一名年轻干练、事业有成的律师,某日他要作为特别代理人前往英国一段时间,因此不得不离开心爱的妻子(Mabel Frenyear 饰)和女儿(Runa Hodges 饰)。漫漫的旅途百无聊赖,约翰在船上邂逅了一个美丽妖艳的女人(Theda Bara蒂达•巴拉 饰),他迅速与之坠入情网,将妻子女儿抛在了脑后…… 本片为弗兰克•鲍威尔根据吉卜林的长诗《勾魂妖妇》改编,拍摄之处,蒂达•巴拉名为奥多西亚•古德曼,她的妖艳表演使其迅速成为性感明星。为突出其神秘感,制片厂将“阿拉伯死神”(ARAB DEATH)的拼写颠倒排列成她的新名字蒂达•巴拉(Theda Bara)。
主演:凡妮·沃德 早川雪洲 Jack Dean James Neill 阿部丰 Dana Ong Hazel Childers Arthur H. Williams
简介: Edith Hardy uses charity funds for Wall Street investments in hopes of buying some new gowns. She loses all the money and borrows from wealthy oriental Tori. When her husband gives her the amount she borrowed, Tori won't take it back, branding her shoulder with a Japanese sign of his ownership. She shoots him. Her husband takes the blame. In court Edith reveals all to an angry mob. Written by Ed Stephan {[email protected]} Richard Hardy, a hardworking stockbroker, labors overtime to keep up with the ruinous bills incurred by his beautiful but irresponsible wife Edith, a venal, spoiled socialite who is impervious to his pleas for fiscal restraint. Acting on what she believes to be an insider information, she impulsively embezzles $10,000 from the Red Cross charity she chairs for a stock tip. When she finds the money has been lost, she desperately turns to a Japanese ivory trader with whom she has been thoughtlessly flirting and persuades him to replace the money in exchange for an assignation. When her husband's long-awaited business deal finally materializes, she desperately tries to withdraw from their agreement by replacing the money. Angered and disappointed with her resistance to his advances, he uses a branding device to mark her shoulder as his property. Feeling violated, Edith shoots him in the shoulder and leaves. In order to protect his wife's reputation, Richard confesses to the crime and faces trial for attempted murder. Written by Gabe Taverney ([email protected])
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